
A team that’s diverse

At PageGroup we know that a diverse team brings different perspectives and insight to our business, generating creativity, problem-solving and sustainability that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.
As a recruiter we demonstrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion by teaming up with organisations such as the Diversity Council  Australia, Pride in Diversity, Supply Nation, MindTribes and the Australian Network on Disability. 
Find out more about our different initiatives below; Women@Page, Pride@Page, Families@Page, Ability@Page and FirstNations@Page:

Women@Page aims to improve our gender balance at all levels across our business. Initiatives include our global mentoring program, our Everywoman female leadership program and our “Men as Agents of Change” working group.
  • Introduced our global mentoring programme
  • Launched our Women@Page “Yammer” network
  • Carrying out policy reviews
  • Regularly publish case studies/role models - ‘Real People and Real Stories’
  • Annual global campaigns to celebrate ‘International Women’s Day’ profiling our successful and inspiring women globally.

PageGroup is an LGBTQ inclusive employer. Our Pride@Page network supports our LGBTQ employees, recognising that people perform better when they can be themselves. PageGroup Australia was the first large recruiter to become a member of Pride in Diversity. Through our Pride@Page initiatives, we have:
  • Participated in multiple AWEI benchmarking submissions, achieving Gold Small Employer in 2020 & Silver Small Employer in 2021
  • Become a Stonewall Global Diversity Champion
  • Reviewed and rewritten policies to be more inclusive, including parental leave, dress code and gender affirmation
  • Created LGBTQ Safe Spaces
  • Run CV workshops and skills sessions for local LGBTQ university students
  • Created case studies and shared stories on LGBTQ role models and allies
  • Run focus groups
  • Created Pride@Page internal ‘Yammer’ network
  • Appointed senior sponsors and champions
  • Ongoing recognising and driving awareness around LGBTQ days of celebration through initiatives and activities, including Pride Month, Wear it Purple Day, IDAHOBIT Day
  • Provided resources for employees on Allyship and Inclusive Language
  • Visible signs of inclusion throughout our offices including Acon Welcome Here, lanyards, flags

Families@Page provides all parents & carers at PageGroup encouragement and support with resources, information and understanding through every step of their journey as parents. We have Introduced a pre and
post parental coaching programme, hold office “Family Days” and making the workplace the best it can be for parents and carers.
  • Introduced a pre and post maternity coaching programme
  • Introduced parental guidelines and best in class parental entitlements
  • Launched Families@Page ‘Yammer’ network featuring dedicated seminars
  • Introduced specific questions in ‘Have Your Say’ surveys for parents & carers
  • Appointed senior sponsors and champions
  • Held office “Family Days” to bring your partner and kids to work
  • Conducted surveys with our parents & carers population
  • Regularly published case studies/role models using our internal communications tool
  • Embed flexibility

Ability@Page demonstrates our commitment to disability and removing all barriers: physical, technological and attitudinal. Initiatives include regular sharing of stories from employees whose lives are affected by disability, introducing quarterly wellness breaks to promote mental wellbeing.
  • Regular sharing of stories from employees whose lives are affected by disability
  • Created Ability@Page Yammer network
  • Appointed senior sponsor and mental health champions
  • Regular hints and tips to improve general health and wellbeing
  • Reviewed and rewritten policies

FirstNations@Page embraces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures through education, celebrating events and welcoming First Nations employees into our business. We embrace, understand and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories. We work to support closing the gap on the disparity of employment by working within our local communities to provide opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to gain sustainable employment In the context of PageGroup this translates to continue building strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, providing procurement opportunities for their businesses and employment for their peoples, as we continue to strive to build a safe and inclusive workplace environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.